2025 Spring Farm Day Sponsorship Benefits
Reach thousands of local residents
Support the care and feeding of our fam animals
Title Sponsor $3,000
You will receive:
- The most prominent placement on all banners, flyers, and news releases
- Logo prominently featured on the event website with a clickable link to your website
- Prominent feature in two issues of the Sizzle newsletter, seen by 10K families monthly
- Social media posts to the 20K+ social media followers
- 20 tickets to Spring Farm Day event, $280 value
Sheep Shearing Sponsor $1,000
You will receive:
- Prominent logo placement on all banners, flyers, and news releases
- A featured space on the event website with a clickable link
- Featured space in one issue of the Sizzle newsletter
- Social media posts to the 20K+ social media followers
- 10 tickets to Spring Farm Day event, $140 value
Baby Animal Sponsor $500
You will receive:
- Logo placement on all banners
- Listing on the event website with a clickable link
- Listing in one issue of the Sizzle newsletter, 10K families monthly
- Social media post to the 20K+ social media followers
- 4 tickets to Spring Farm Day event, $56 value
Farm Equipment Sponsor $250
You will receive:
- Name inclusion on all banners
- Listing on the event website with a clickable link
- Four guest passes for preferred seating on race day
- 4 tickets to Spring Farm Day event, $28 value
Cow Milking Sponsor $125
You will receive:
- Name inclusion on all banners
- Listing on the event website
- Listing in one issue of the Sizzle newsletter, see by 10K families monthly
Crafts Sponsor $50
You will receive:
- Name posted on the event website
- Thank you in one issue of the Sizzle newsletter that goes out to over 10,000 families monthly