For Our Special Frying Pan

Equestrian Friends

Questions about visiting the park?
call +1 703-437-9101

Want to Know the latest?  Subscribe to The Mane Hoof at Frying Pan for equestrian shows and news from the park.

We’re Social –  Equestrian Friends  or Park Friends has the latest!

Who are the Friends

The Friends are your behind the scenes support who sponsor the Frying Pan equestrian events and the horse shows including hunters, jumpers, dressage and the AQHA Quarter horse show.

The Friends are a 501(c)3 and your show fees go directly back to supporting the equestrian facility and activities at the park like funding for new jumps, ring equipment, facility improvement, fences and staff training.

The Friends mission is to support and protect the park founders vision of protecting the resources of the park.  They actively support the park through advocacy, financial assistance, and programming

We would love to have you visit soon!

Visitor Center at Frying Pan

Call 703-437-9101 for current info.

Park Authority Equestrian Staff

Equestrian Social Channel