Thursday, Oct 24, 2024
cows race at 6pm
Sponsor a NASCOW today
Every dollar makes a difference.
All funds raised support the care and feeding of our animals. Read on to see who will be racing and how to sponsor your favorite COW to win.
That’s right, NASCOW is a race with COWS! Our resident cows are the racers. They love to eat, and the prospect of being first to the finish line to enjoy extra-tasty brewer’s grain gets them very excited to be the first to arrive at the finish line.
This extra tasty grain is highly nutritious and part of their diet when available but there is no danger of getting tipsy for them!
Sponsor the NASCOW you hope will win and visit the SPONSORSHIP page for special options – preferred seating, fence banners, recognition and more. Every dollar makes a difference.

2024 NASCOW Winner:
Jasmine won in her first NASCOW appearance on Thursday, October 24, 2024!
2024 NASCOW FundRACER Participants listed below.

Hokie is all Angus. She is famous for running her own street race shortly after moving to Frying Pan.

Florence is an Hereford/Shorthorn cross. She was born the week of hurricane Florence in 2018.
Thank you to our 2024 NASCOW Sponsors
Title Sponsor is available
Head of the Herd
Judy Will
Christina Blum
Stephanie Clark
Daniel Courain
Pam Mika
Katherine Nettrour
Richard Will Jr
Beth Goss
Steve & Yvonne Johnson
Peter Leonard
Ann & Ron Marlow
Susanna Skovgaard
Nicole Stroud
Dave Walters

Kay Ballas
Jasper Bennett
Michael Cutler
Karen Downs
Cynthia Glakas
Colleen Hannas
James Healy
Kittle Family
Chris Lalik
Marilynn Livingston
Rhonda Lugar
Anne Pearson
Stephen Poppe
Stevan Porter
Kristina Powers
Leah Tarbell
John and Pat Zalubski
Tyler Alexander
Melissa Bidwell
Mark Bolter
Todd Burdick
Mary Burger
Jeanette Cantrell
Christine Cooper
Robin Costanza
Kathy & Paul Degutis
Matthew Faucett
Elizabeth Godoy
Cillian Gray
Lynne Haslbeck
James Healy
Jennifer Henke
Kay Hynson
Susan Jeffers
Avery Lloyd
Arielle Masters
Zhanna Mikush
Kasey O’Dea
Sheila Olem
Robin Petrusak
Jack and Pat Pitzer
Jayashree Ramani
Elizabeth Rennie-Cline
Edward Robichaud
Ellen Robinson
Clare Rocheford
Katherine Roody
Alexandra Ruth
Maryn Simon
Jane Smith
Laura and Gustavo Verdum
Jean Waxman
Margaret Wergley
Arielle Whiting
Stephanie Wynne
Vita Athambra
Jonah Bea-Taylor
Sheryl Graznow
Connie Kopelman
Samuel Leven
Diane Ludewig
Mary Nicholas
Donita Perott
Polly Ritter
Emily Seman
Lezley Wells
Jennifer Wysocki
Thank you so much for your support